Smart, Safe Tree Removal

Tree removal is a tricky business. Especially if there's obstacles in the way. Also, not all trees are created equal and each species acts differently when being cut. It's recommended to know what your limits are when that little voice in your head says, "I can do this myself." Any tree that is large in diameter or has near by obstacles would require a professional team with the right equipment to take them down safely.

 We will plan every step carefully to ensure total safety for property and personnel. Some trees can be taken down using ropes and rigging  while extremely large trees may require a crane. 

Big trees, medium, and even smaller trees that are no longer healthy can be removed by giving us a call for a free estimate. We’ll check the size and scope of the tree or multiple trees that you need taken down and get you an excellent price for safe removal.

Tree Removal — Salem, NH — Aspen Tree Service

Storm Debris Removal

It’s the day after a major storm hits our area. You look out at your property and there are branches, leaves,  and who knows what else back there. You might feel a slight panic or just completely overwhelmed. Whatever the case, Aspen Tree Service performs post storm debris removal.  Have us come  and clear all that debris away. Leaving your yard in the pristine state it was in before the storm. One more reason to love the service and convenience our team brings to the table. Call us now for help.

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