For a Happy Healthy Start to Spring Lawn Growth

Aspen Tree Service offers exceptional fertilization services to get your lawn on the right path to healthy growth and well prepared for the lawn care season. Our fertilization products are safe for use on all lawns that thrive here. It squeezes out weed potential and replaces it with strong nutrients for a green lawn every time.

Our service is extremely effective and can be set up on a regular schedule to maintain a fertile lawn. Call our pros today to ask about our lawn fertilization service and order yours today.

Man Spraying Pesticide in the Lawn — Salem, NH — Aspen Tree Service

Mosquito & Tick Spraying

Don’t you despise mosquitos? Those little blood suckers love to bite and make us miserable. The worst part is the different diseases they could potentially transfer. In short, mosquitos have no place being around your place. 

We perform mosquito spraying for residential and commercial customers throughout the season. By setting up a maintenance schedule, we can keep these pests from hanging out at your outdoor café, or backyard barbeque. Call us today to set up your scheduled sprayings.

Let’s talk ticks. Number one, they are sneaky. They lock in on you many times without your knowledge. The downside of this insect is disease and possible infection. Your pets are fertile ground for these pests, and we need to make sure your tick problem never becomes a problem. Call Aspen Tree Services for a quote to spray your area for ticks. Let’s make this a tick-free summer. 

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